I'm not much for big events. I'm especially terrified of New Year's. But, maybe 2014 won't be so bad. I hope.
Let's talk about resolutions.
Maybe you don't make resolutions. Maybe you do, and keep them. But, I'm guessing plenty just end up forgetting (a.k.a. me.) I've tried to keep my resolutions, unfortunately things never end up the way I'd wanted them to. I stopped making them at age 12.
This year, though. 2013. It's made me re-evaluate a lot of things about myself and my life. I've learned a whole lot that it scares me sometimes how much I've opened up. In light of trying to better myself, I decided to come up with resolutions for 2014. And I've decided to share it here just so I can never forget.
- Read. Write. Keep a Journal.
- Make art. Paint. Draw. Even when it's ugly.
- Post on this blog more. Just cause it helps.
- Get healthy: eat right! Exercise!
- STUDY! Hard.
- Clean your room! Fix your room!
- Buy clothes that you like. Don't buy clothes that other people like. Be you.
- Stop going on the internet by 10 (whenever it's a school day ha)
- Be friends with your enemies. Be friends with your ex. Idk. Just be friends with people.
- Get angry. Throw a ball around your room. Break a pencil. But get over it after a day or less.
- Get sad. Cry. Punch a pillow. Wail. Scream. But remember that you're meant to be happy too.
- Learn when to say your shit and learn when to stop when what you're saying is shit.
- Mind your business. No one likes a snoop.
- Volunteer for charities. Learn that there are bigger problems than having an average high school life.
- Give. And don't expect anything in return.
- Be gentle. With yourself and others.
- Inner peace. Achieve it.
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First playlist of the year will be up soon!