

Happy (or not so happy) Valentine's Day

I don't know many people who are going to be happy on Valentine's Day. Mostly, we're all just melodramatic teenagers who eat tubs of ice cream and watch, I don't know, The Notebook or something. I don't do that though. I mean, I don't watch The Notebook. I watch period films and comedies. Nicholas Sparks is just bad. Seriously, 99% of the stuff he writes are made up of cheeseballs and lies.

But, this blog post isn't about terrible books-turned-movies. This blog post is about today. Valentine's Day.

Although not all of us are bitter cat ladies who eat relationships for breakfast, I still feel that it's necessary to write about whatever you're going to get to read below.

Let's start.


Until recently, I wouldn't know what to say or do if anyone had come up to me wailing because they love somebody who doesn't love them back. I'd probably just stand there awkwardly till they stop snivelling, then I'd give them a hug and try  to blurt out a slew of advice. It was only when my sister came home crying that I finally came up with my best and only successful metaphor (let's face it I am terrible at metaphors). And so it goes:

I had this one favorite sweater that I found behind my closet. My relationship with that sweater went steady for two amazing years. Well, guess what?

Yep, it got lost. I was devastated. To this day, the loss of said sweater is still the biggest disaster of my life.

So began the yearlong manhunt for a new favorite sweater. I searched high and low in aisles of all the shops you could think of. I had tried on many different kinds and made the mistake of buying some, thinking that they were The One. Still, no luck. That is, until last month.

To begin with, I don't shop in Gap but they had a New Year sale and I wouldn't pass that up. Although I had thought that my visit would only spawn heartbreak, I decided to round the corner to the Gap Kids section and lo and behold! There it was. The perfect favorite sweater.

Your ex or crush or whoever it may be is just my lost sweater. You'll feel miserable and crestfallen, yes, but you will find someone better. And though you might not find them in Forever 21 or any other place you'd expect to unearth a sweater, don't give up hope. The perfect one might just be waiting for you in a Gap store.

disclaimer: boyfriends and girlfriends are not for sale in any Gap outlet. Please understand my metaphor.


Don't have a Valentine? Well, don't drag your ass around trying to find one. You don't need one.

It's Single Awareness Day and all you should do is be proud that you own yourself. You are a free and independent human being, you don't need impractical syrupy love to come knocking at your door all the time.

I know today is like a slap to your very single self, but, aren't we all truly alone whether we are nursing a relationship or not? You deserve a high five for your individualism!

One more thing I hate about all this crap is the saccharine way society perceives romance. We grow up being taught that girls should have boyfriends (or girlfriends, if you're into that) and, according to Disney, there is simply no other way that we can achieve our "happy ending." In consequence, today's teenagers are too busy finding love in other people that they end up never learning how to properly love themselves first.

Take care of yourself. Once you're comfortable with who you are, that is when people will truly appreciate and love you.

- - -

This post is dedicated to my sister and all my heartbroken friends. Remember that even though your significant he/she is a little shit, I'll always be here for you.


  1. I LOVE YOU OKAY. I LOVE YOU. I love the way you write, it's very funny without being too sugarcoated. Seriously, this blog is so underappreciated because it has such great content but too little audience. You should legit publish something in the future, something like the Happiness Code or Everyday by David Levithan. And, I haven't watched the Notebook so I'm not sure if it's as cheesy as you say, but try A Walk To Remember. It won't cause vomiting of some sort, but it's a sweet love story at the same time. (((and aw, too bad, I was just about to run to the nearest Gap to find The One :( hahahahaha)))


    1. Oh wow thank you! This means so much to me :) (and Nicholas Sparks is just too cliche haha)

  2. hi oh my you certainly know how to express yourself. nice post here!

    anyway i nominated you for the liebster award go check it out here: http://yanibonifacio.blogspot.com/2014/05/liebster-award-my-first-blog-award.html

  3. I just discovered your blog and I ADORE it! You write so well, and you are just so down to earth (a little corny, I know) Yay for single awareness day!!! Haha. Followed your blog, your blog name is so awesome :-)

  4. You're blog is very very very cute. :) Great post! I enjoyed it very much. Hope you can check my blog and join my site. :) xx

